Workout For Beginners - Legs and Abs

Length: variable
Equipment: exercise mat

This is Zuzka's recommendation for this workout:
20 reps each:
1. arm cross squat
2. table top crunches
3. curtsy lunge
4. leg extensions

I did this workout yesterday and did it Tabata-style.  20 sec work / 10 sec rest.  In a 4-min tabata, there are 2 rounds.  I did three 4-min tabatas... for a total of 12 min & 6 rounds.

Watch the video for how to do each exercise.  Then you can do it following Z's recommendation, do it tabata-style, or do it AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in a set amount of time.

Enjoy yourself. Have fun. Keep going. Never give up.
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