Janis Saffell Kickbox for Weight Loss

Time:  55:36
Equipment needed:  None

Hair soaking, sweat dripping, fantastically fabulous, kickboxing workout!  Wow, what a workout! Love, love, love!  I did really well until about 30 minutes in and then I hit a wall, wham, and had to lower the intensity for a bit to get my groove back so I could finish it strong.  The workout is simple enough that you don't need to watch it ahead of time.  Janis' instruction is fantastic.  Watch the other woman on stage if you need a bit of modification.  She modifies throughout the workout. Janis does an ab roll-up with a jump towards the end of the workout.  I passed on doing that knowing how easily I can bruise my lower back doing those roll-ups.  Do what you can and try to keep up.  The natural high that's surging through my body right now is amazing!

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