Kendell Hogan Bootcamp Calorie Burn

Time:  30:35
Equipment needed:  None

I love Kendell Hogan.  I remember working out to him way back when he started out and step aerobics was all the rage.  His workouts are tough.  No joke.  If you want to sweat, Kendell will get you there.  I had to change my clothes before doing yoga after this workout.  Sweat was induced.  Thank you Kendall!

This workout is from the now defunct ExerciseTV.  I've done this workout before when ExerciseTV was still around.  I remember loving it and that's why I scheduled it when I found it on YouTube.  Kendell does a great job of working you hard while still keeping it fun.  In this workout he shows you three levels of exertion.  You can do whatever level challenges you and keeps you moving.  He will take you through the routine again and again adding on a new exercise consistently throughout the workout.  I hit a wall towards the end, right before doing the mountain climbers.  Thank goodness for the mountain climbers.  That time gave me a break and time to recover so that I could push past that wall and end the workout strong.

There's nothing quite like a good strong cardio workout.  I feel fantastic right now.  When I sweat, I want to sweat for a reason.  I want to know that I worked hard at something to get that sweat on. I deserved the sweat I was dripping today.
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