Leslie Sansone 2 Mile Walking Workout

photo by Alex Proimos CC BY-SA 2.0 / alt from original
photo by Alex Proimos CC BY-NC 2.0 / alt from original

Length:  28:52
Equipment needed: None

I love Leslie Sansone's walking workouts. They are perfect for all fitness levels. Take it easy or pump it up, it's all up to you.

You can use these videos in two ways. If your time is limited, just do the first video, which is a 1 mile walk, and then stretch a bit at the end. If you have a full 30 minutes, when you're finished with the first mile click play on the second mile.

Walk indoors at any time and on any day. It's perfect.

"Everyday is a great day to take a walk." - Leslie Sansone
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